The Comprehensive Classroom Supply List for Teachers

essential teacher supplies

Trying to complete that ridiculous school supply list request form?

Many schools need teachers to complete one every year, but for a variety of reasons, these forms are perplexing!

Some teachers frequently question their choices, whether due to a limited budget or ambiguity about what they truly require.

Some of them would not advocate attempting to purchase all of these products in a single year.

Hopefully, this list will give you some ideas and help you prioritize your money on what you want or need the most.

With the ultimate goal of making the classroom supply list request form less intimidating.

This classroom supply list contains a few boxes of products that will help to make teaching and learning more enjoyable!

List of Classroom Supplies by Category

Student Centers

classroom essentials

If you are a teacher who likes to organize their classroom supply list into groups. Student centers are one of them.

These are the supplies you may want your pupils to be able to use without asking other teachers for permission.

You can educate them on where to find resources, how to treat them, and how to clean them up at the start of the year.

These specific procedures benefit even older students.

  1. Paper

    write lessons paper

    Teachers like to keep a mix of stationery (to make note-taking more enjoyable), notebook paper, and cardstock (for projects). Because stationery is pricey, As a teacher they usually acquire it from family members who are cleaning out drawers at home or from retired teachers.

  2. Kleenex

    school suppliesStudents run through them like crazy, but some teachers don’t give them extra credit. It’s simply not fair, and it skews the grade.

  3. Scissors

    essential must have

    Waiting for 30 pupils to share 2 pairs of scissors is the worst thing that can happen to productivity. To help them cut up task cards or manipulatives more quickly, I like to keep scissor caddies on hand.

  4. Tape (and dispenser)

    essential teacher supplies

    They will order tape (the little rolls) from their classroom supply list during their first year of teaching. The dispenser.

    As long as you don’t get tired of the design or color, a decent dispenser will serve you for a lifetime. Of course, you may use another after that. Teachers like to keep one ready for students and one on their desks.

  5. Art supplies

    5 Pack Colored Pencils

    You’ll need some art tools on hand if you ask students to create name tents or color-code their notes, writing, or vocabulary exercises.

    Some of them as teachers use markers because they find that students enjoy having a variety of options while working on sketch notes, one-pagers, or other comparable activities.

    Additionally useful are colored pencils and crayons.

  6. Pens, pencils, and highlighters


    There are certain methods to stop pencils from going missing, some teacher major goal is for their kids to always be able to write. Keep highlighters nearby for careful reading.

  7. Composition books

    write must have

    Some of the teachers used composition books for reading and writing journals and interactive notebooks. Because there are no spirals to tangle in, they are easy to store.

  8. Folders

    file organizer

    With extra copies of handouts, reference guides, or forms for reading and writing conferences, keep student centers organized.

    Using folders is a terrific method to arrange the activities at learning stations.

  9. Tongue depressors

    room essential

    The use of tongue depressors for short formative assessments is fantastic. You can formatively verify understanding during a whole-class activity or session by doing something as easy as placing yes/no or green/red on the opposing sides of the depressor.

    They are also perfect for holding grab and gab cards for books. You can pull them out and have students discuss a text for the entire class or an independent reading book at the conclusion of the lesson or when there is extra time for small groups.

  10. Sanitizing wipes & hand sanitizer

    wet wipes essential items

    Must-haves are these. I disagree that teachers should have to pay for some of the things mentioned in this essay out of their own pockets.

    Before you spend any money, find out if your building supplies wipes and hand sanitizer. If they don’t, I’d put finding some first.

    Teach your pupils how and when to use hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes so that they don’t go to waste. Before beginning the period and settling into their desk? In conclusion, clean the desks and tables. Create routines for cleanliness.

Teaching Fun

9 Creative Ideas for Teaching Time

These are frequently more expensive goods, but if you can get your hands on them, they can make your days in the classroom more enjoyable.

Anchor chart paper

student whiteboards

Anchor charts can be used by teachers in middle and high schools as well.

It makes thinking evident and offers a means of connecting mini-lessons to both group and individual practice.

Because they are very sticky and practical for presentation, most of the teachers prefer to use huge Post-It easel pads.

Put them up on the wall in your classroom or hang them from a clothesline to naturally incorporate prior knowledge.

Flip chart markers

engaging lessons

Their preferred choice for generating anchor charts is a Sharpie flip chart bullet tip marker.

They seem to always have ink and write effortlessly.

Expo markers

scented markers

Stock up on vibrant Expo markers if your school has a dry-erase board.

You can use them to visually organize notes and ideas for pupils or to color-code assignments for various preps.

Mini dry-erase boards

art supplies

Mini dry-erase boards are a classroom library and an entertaining method to involve all of the students in class activities.

You can also use them for language practice at vocabulary and spelling practice and grammar stations.

Teachers urge students to hold them up as a formative check or review.


classroom supplies must have

A wireless microphone is the height of luxury and a great way to spice up any presentation.

Use it to liven up your lectures, get rid of your stage fright, or conduct an interview with a fictional character.

Additionally, you can access your preferred playlist on Pandora, Spotify, or YouTube.

Double-sided adhesive roller

glue sticks and paper clips

On their list of the best teaching supplies used for the classroom, this might be my very favorite thing.

Simply add a cardstock backing to these rollers to make word wall content, posters, and student work pop out.

Additionally, before laminating, you can attach the cardstock to task cards using glue sticks and the double-sided sticky roller. Additionally, they put created school bulletin boards using it.


classroom supplies

They ALWAYS use cardstock. As previously said, it is ideal for word walls, bulletin boards, and presenting student work. At the start of the school year, students utilize them to make “about me” bookmarks.

Task card boxes

second grade box

It’s simple to keep organized with task card boxes and file organizers. This kit not only aids in keeping task cards together but also in keeping them all organized in one location.

And it’s adorable. (They also save their family photos in storage plastic bins at home.) One day, Most of the teachers plan to give each child a box filled with memories.


wasting paper

Teachers adore using review games in the classroom. If they discovered that their dice games were an annual event, They will stop borrowing dice and order a set of their own for classroom games.

Teacher Desk

important documents

These are the relevant essential items that you could mention on a classroom supply list, regardless of whether you have a physical teaching desk, just a table in a corner, or a rolling cart of teacher supplies.

To-Do List Notepad

write for notes

Love making to-do lists? They really do! Particularly when they get to mark things off!

This is a cute small notepad you should have at your desk so you may jot down any ideas you have while maintaining focus on the task at hand.

Flair pens

Nothing makes them happier than finding a cup full of flair pens on top of their desk! Even though they like the PaperMate brand.

Post its

target dollar spot

They use giant Post-It notes within their file folders to keep running notes private (They still organize both digitally and on paper).

Pen organizer

teacher organizer

They tried keeping all of their pens neatly arranged ON their desk, but it means They must have had to open a drawer every time they need one and they can’t look at them!

The best pen organizers for sorting heights, colors, or styles are those with dividers.


shool techer room essential

It is a standard! That’s it (and don’t forget the essentials, too).

Paper clips

paper clips

useful for a variety of purposes! They are frequently requested by students, so they ordered extra to share. They find that having a variety of colors available makes organizing their stacks of papers easier.

Binder clips

for teacher filel folders

Binder clips are essential for organizing additional copies and are one of their go-to solutions. The magnetic ones can also be used to hang anonymous papers or to provide a convenient spot on the whiteboard where students can sign out and borrow pencils.

Command strips


Teachers frequently use indoor Command mounting squares to attach items to cement block walls when they can’t get them to hang.

They perform superior to anything teachers have found.


school and teacher supplies

A little vegetation can go a long way. Despite not including a plant in teachers’ budget for school supplies, it is something they make an effort to remember each year.

Family Photo

laminated sheets

Another thing is that they don’t purchase from a retailer of school supplies, but must have the one that they like seeing all year long.

Custom Paper Printing

custom paper printing

Custom paper printing in schools offers several advantages that can enhance the educational experience and contribute to a more efficient and engaging learning environment. Here are some of the benefits:


Custom paper printing allows schools to create materials tailored to their specific curriculum and teaching methods.

This personalization can lead to better engagement and understanding among students, as the materials can be designed to match the student’s learning styles and preferences.

Visual Aids

Custom printing enables the inclusion of high-quality images, diagrams, and illustrations that can enhance the learning process. Visual aids are known to improve comprehension and retention of complex topics.


Custom printed materials can be updated regularly to ensure that the content remains relevant and up-to-date. This is particularly important in subjects that are constantly evolving, such as science and technology.


Custom printed materials can be tailored to accommodate students with diverse learning needs. For example, materials can be printed in different font sizes, colors, or formats to support students with visual impairments or learning disabilities.

Classroom Organization 


A supply list for student supplies in the classroom makes them consider being organized.

How can they spend their free time more effectively with the budget they’ve been given?

Metal rolling cart

essential items

A teacher’s desk pairs perfectly with metal rolling carts.

They can hold just about anything you need, including books, washi tape, glue sticks, and painting supplies.

Washi tape

washi tape

For a whimsical touch on a reader’s or writer’s notebook cover, use washi tape.

You may also use it as a plot diagram on the ground or to explain to kids what iambic pentameter is.

Attach it to the board to make a table for class-based assignments and agenda organization!


room supply

They get a headache from fluorescent lighting, which they believe is fairly typical.

Lamps are a crucial part of my mood-setting strategy during individual reading or writing time because they don’t like to keep their classroom lights on all day.

They have a soothing impact, which aids with my mental organization. For reading nooks, Teachers adore three-way floor lamps like this one.

They give off more light in subdued, fluorescent-off environments. For safety’s sake, stay away from glass blinds!

This type of desk lamp is another something they appreciate because it allows them to work in lower light levels while doing prep work.

Supply Caddies

classroom organization

Supply caddies are a practical method to organize the supplies students will need for group projects so they can sit down and get to work right away. Fill them with learning station activities or close-reading tools like sticky notes, highlighters, and markers.


school paper magnets

Use magnets to post reminders, anonymous papers, or student work on your chalkboard or whiteboard.

In addition, Teachers use them to fasten family and class portraits to file or double-door cabinets. In general, magnets are useful to have on hand.

Tablet charging station

classroom essentials

They adore having a device charging station.

They take up less room and there are fewer students who are unable to finish their assignments because their device is dead.

Device storage

file folders

Some instructors prefer that students keep their gadgets in storage until they are needed.

If this is the case in your classroom, having devices on the floor can be bothersome in a messy classroom because everyone needs to carefully navigate the space around them.

Although not the most attractive gadget keeper available, it is unbeatable in terms of price.

Here’s one that is a little more durable, but also more expensive.

Milk crates

paper essential items

Milk crates are by far one of the simplest things they’ve discovered to stay organized!

Teachers use one solid-bottom container for each preparation, so they normally have 2-3 crates behind their desks.

For EVERY unit they teach, They put a hanging file folder (with a manilla file folder within it so they can mark important notes in it) in a separate crate.

This technique makes it exceedingly simple to stay organized.

The only items that go in the manilla folder are ONE physical copy of printer paper for each assignment, the solution keys, and a post-it note with reminders for the following year.

Document cameras

keeping important documents

Document cameras are necessary if you want to read aloud, share a mentor text with kids, or practice reading skills for them.

They aid in bringing thinking into focus.

If you’re fortunate enough to have a budget, I hope this extensive list of essential school supplies will be useful in helping you determine how to spend it.

I’m sure I forgot some stuff.

Some of the teachers admit that for the majority of the years they’ve taught, They paid more out of pocket for classroom supplies than the institution will reimburse.

No one should feel compelled to do that, either! They just like having a class set of colorful teacher supplies around, so they don’t mind giving up a few new teaching clothes for them.

Of course, it’s also crucial to keep in mind that, while entertaining, classroom supply list pale in comparison to the affection they feel for their kids, the memories we create with them, and the relationships they forget with them.

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“Using Case Studies to Teach | Center for Teaching and Learning.” © 2023 Boston University,

Eksi, Halil. “A Case Study on the Use of Materials by Classroom Teachers.” Marmara, June 2014,

Yıldırım, Kasım. “A Case Study on the Use of Materials by Classroom Teachers.” ResearchGate, Jan. 2008,

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