Branded EarPods Swag (

A great way to leave a mark on event or conference attendees is to send them home with a swag. In addition to fostering networking among attendees, swags have the ability to extend the event’s promotional reach long after it is done.

Here are 12 great event swag ideas to keep in mind for your upcoming event.

Custom T-Shirts

Custom T-Shirt (

You can design and provide custom t-shirts with your event branding. Attendees can wear them during and long after the event. It is exactly like having a walking advertisement!

Reusable Water Bottles

Environmentally friendly and practical water bottles with your event logo can also be a hit! Attendees will appreciate the convenience, and it promotes sustainability.

Branded Notebooks

High-quality notebooks with your branding can be yet another brilliant addition to your swag bag. These are useful for taking notes during sessions and can serve as a keepsake long after the event.

Tech Gadgets

Consider giving away tech-related swag like phone stands, portable chargers or USB drives. These items are practical and can indeed align with the tech-savvy nature of many conferences.

Custom Tote Bags

Tote Bag (

Tote bags are versatile and can be used to carry event materials and personal items. Of course it is important to ensure they are well-designed and sturdy for maximum impact. Totes are especially great as swag bags as they are functional and can be stylish as well.

Customized Snacks and Treats

Personalized snacks, like branded cookies or chocolates, can be a delightful surprise for attendees. You could also consider healthy options like custom trail mix.

Interactive Swag

Think beyond traditional items. Consider more unique conference swag items that engage attendees, like puzzles, stress balls or interactive games related to your event theme.

Customized Phone Accessories

You can also consider offering phone-related accessories like phone grips, wallets or stands customized with your event or company logo. These items are practical and frequently used, increasing brand exposure.

Quality Writing Instruments

Swag Bag (

High-quality pens, stylus pens or even sets of markers branded with your event or company name will certainly be appreciated by attendees. These writing instruments will not only useful during the event but also continue to serve attendees in their daily lives.

Exclusive Event Merchandise

Create exclusive event merchandise such as limited-edition posters, mugs or apparel featuring unique event artwork. These often have the potential to become collectors’ items and provide attendees with a sense of exclusivity and nostalgia.

Customized Power Banks

Portable power banks with your event branding are one of the more practical conference swag items out there. They are sure to be appreciated by your event attendees. This is especially so with events where they may need to charge their devices on the go. It’s a thoughtful and tech-savvy swag option!

Custom Face Masks

In a world where health and safety are priorities, custom face masks featuring your event’s branding can be both practical and responsible. They not only serve as protective gear but also reinforce your event’s identity.

Remember to align your conference swag giveaways with your event’s theme and audience preferences to maximize their impact and value. The best conference swag ideas do this. More than anything else, ensure that the conference gifts are of good quality and offer value to attendees.

They’ll be ever thankful for it!

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