Badge Reel Lanyard (

The lanyard is not only good for organizing your small, essential items. In fact, it remains the best way to carry and display an ID card conveniently. Because of this, many organizations and businesses typically advice that employees wear lanyards that clearly display their ID cards.

This serves many purposes:

Lanyard as Identification

It makes it easy for others to identify the person and their affiliation with the organization or event. When an ID card is attached to a lanyard and worn around the neck, it becomes easily accessible for quick visual verification. This is especially valuable in workplaces, for example, where confirming an individual’s identity is essential.

Moreover, in environments where access control is critical, ID cards on lanyards can integrate with electronic systems. This allows for efficient entry and exit into these access-controlled areas, ensuring thus a smooth flow of authorized personnel. In all, using such lanyards – with ID attached – combines practicality and security into a single, versatile solution.

Access Control

Lanyards used with ID cards can indeed play a crucial role in access control systems. This integration allows organizations to regulate and monitor access to specific areas or resources. ID cards often contain embedded RFID or NFC chips that interact with electronic readers. When individuals wear their ID cards on lanyards, they can easily present them for scanning or swiping to gain entry to secured locations.

This approach not only enhances security but also streamlines the movement of authorized personnel within a facility. For instance, in corporate offices, employees may use lanyard-based ID cards to enter restricted areas. Similarly, at events or conferences, attendees can be granted access to designated areas by simply displaying their ID cards on lanyards.


Blue Lanyard (Google Images)

Above everything ese, using a lanyard for ID cards offers major convenience. When individuals wear their ID cards on lanyards, they have quick and easy access to their identification. This eliminates the need to constantly search through pockets or bags to find your ID card.

Furthermore, many lanyards nowadays come with additional features like retractable badge reels or cardholders. These make it endlessly convenient for users to display or swipe their cards when needed.


By wearing ID cards on lanyards, individuals reduce the risk of losing or misplacing their identification. This is of course important in settings like offices, schools or any events where the loss of an ID card can lead to security breaches or unauthorized access.

Moreover, in environments where access control is essential, the combination of ID cards on lanyards and electronic access systems ensures that only authorized individuals can enter specific areas. In all, lanyards enhance security by safeguarding the ID card itself as well as reducing the chances of unauthorized access.


Lanyards provide a valuable branding opportunity when used as an ID badge holder. Organizations often customize lanyards with their company logo or slogan, thereby turning them into powerful promotional tools. This branding serves a dual purpose: it reinforces a sense of unity and identity among employees, while also helping raise brand awareness among a broader audience.

In addition to logos, lanyards can also feature the name of the organization or school, creating through this a consistent and professional appearance at whatever promotional events they appear at. When participants wear these branded lanyards, it not only promotes the organization’s image but also fosters a strong sense of belonging. This is one of the reasons why the lanyard is such a versatile and cost-effective way to enhance a company’s visibility.

How Necessary is a Custom Lanyard?

Very necessary!

Bear in mind that there is a lanyard of every style, design, color or even purpose you can think of. Do you need a breakaway lanyard for a utility job, or perhaps you imagine wearing sunflower lanyards could be a benefit for someone in your life. Maybe you need nylon lanyards or the kinds with a retractable reel, it doesn’t matter. You can customize lanyards to suit every need you have.

This is because lanyards typically come in a wide range of styles, colors, materials, you name it. This allows for customized, high quality lanyards that can suit every need or branding preference. So, why get a stock, generic lanyard when designing lanyards to your exact preferences could be the best way to go? Get to a local print store or any major online retailer and grab yourself a custom lanyard.

Happy looking!

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